The electric wheelchair differs from traditional wheelchairs by the mechanical system it contains. This system makes it possible to modify the inclination of the chair (backrest + seat) in order to adapt it to your current needs. This type of chair, also called a relaxation chair or lift chair, is for people looking for optimal and personalized comfort. It can be covered in leather or fabric. It generally has an imposing surface. It therefore takes space to be able to afford it. Lastly, it comes with a remote to control its tilt options.

1. The advantages of the electric wheelchair

Back pain ? Blood circulation problem? Stress? Using an electric wheelchair can help you solve these problems.

A. Health benefits

he health benefits offered by an electric relax chair are well established. The most important concerns the circulation of blood in the body. Thanks to its different inclinations, you can facilitate the irrigation of your lower limbs. A more than interesting advantage for the elderly. Another advantage: it helps relieve lower back pain and back muscles in general. The electric wheelchair therefore allows you to preserve your health capital despite the difficulty of contemporary life.

B. Benefits for well-being and comfort

After a grueling day of work, the electric wheelchair will allow you to fully relax your muscles. You can release accumulated stress by finding the most comfortable position for your body type. To read, watch TV, take a nap, or simply rest, the electric chair is the ideal furniture.

C. A real visual plus

Whether it is made of fabric or leather, the relax chair has a high-end look that suits modern interiors. This is a real advantage for this type of decoration, in addition to being a well-being accessory.

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D. Great robustness

Last advantage of an electric relaxation sofa, it is very resistant. No matter how often you use it, you will be able to enjoy its benefits for a long time and its comfort will remain constant over time. Of course, for this, you must maintain it on a regular basis.

2. Disadvantages of the electric wheelchair

Even if it has certain advantages, the electric wheelchair has some disadvantages, in particular its price and its imposing side.

A. Price

Not easy to find a cheap electric wheelchair! Indeed, the prices for this type of furniture are quite high. The first quality models are 500 euros and it is not uncommon to find more than 1000 euros. A normal price for high-end furniture, but which is not accessible to all budgets.

B. Bulky appearance

To acquire an electric wheelchair, you also need space, since most models are quite bulky. The reason ? They incorporate motors, mechanisms that take up space. In addition, they are designed to offer the best possible comfort.

3. How to choose an electric wheelchair?

To choose an electric wheelchair, you need to study several aspects of its design.

A. An armchair adapted to your morphology

When trying out a power chair, you should be able to put your feet on the floor with your legs at an angle of about 90°. Thus, your pelvis is at the same height as your knees. So you have less tension in the thighs.

For the seat depth, when you sit against the backrest, the inside of your knees should not touch the edge of the seat for comfort reasons. This is why we invite you to choose a model with a slightly rounded seat edge.

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The seat width, meanwhile, should allow you to rest your elbows on the armrests to fully relax.

B. The quality of the file

Also take into account the quality of the backrest of the chair. It must be 100% ergonomic and comfortable. That is to say, offer a sufficient balance between support and feeling of envelopment. To do this, carefully study its width, height and swelling.

C. The upholstery material of the chair

There are leather power chairs and fabric power chairs. From a quality and comfort point of view, it’s not really at this level. It is rather for the overall design of your living room that the choice of material is important.

D. Chair Options

The electric lift chair is mainly used to modify your inclination. But some models offer other very interesting options. For example, you can find motorized chairs that offer massage options, or a heated option. A real plus when you come home exhausted from work and want to relax. Obviously, the more options your chair has, the more expensive it will be.

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